Chemically defined medium for Legionella pneumophila growth.


A chemically defined medium containing 18 amino acids, inorganic salts, rhamnose, choline, and ferric pyrophosphate has been developed. The final concentrations of salts and amino acids were modeled after yeast extract. This medium supported the growth of four serogroups of Legionella pneumophila. Growth in shake cultures at 37 degrees C produced a lag time of approximately 5 h and a generation time of 4 h with a maximum growth yield of 10 9 colony-forming units per ml. A soluble brown pigment was observed in the stationary phase of growth. The optimal pH was 6.3. Rhamnose and choline were stimulatory; arginine, serine, threonine, cysteine, valine, and methionine were essential. Supplemental iron was not required to attain maximum growth, but iron deprivation caused an extended lag phase.

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