Chemical composition of high-excitation planetaries


Nebular spectral line intensities measured mostly in the optical region, but also in the IR and satellite UV (where possible), are used to derive plasma diagnostics and ionic concentrations n (Xi)/n(H+). Then, we use theoretical nebular models to represent as closely as possible certain excitation-sensitive line ratios of HeII/HeI, [OIII]/[OII], and [NeIII]/[NeV]. Also, we try to reproduce the line intensities themselves. These models are used as devices to allow for unobserved ionization stages. Although He, C, and N show significant variations among different nebulae, heavier elements such as O, and probably Ne, S, Cl, and Ar are more nearly constant, suggesting that progenitor stars underwent nuclear transformations in their interiors that affected C and N but not heavier elements.

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