Chemical and microbial additives association on fermentation and aerobic stability of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) silages / Associação de aditivos químicos e microbianos no controle da fermentação e estabilidade aeróbia em silagens de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.)




The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemical and microbial additives on dry matter losses, fermentative profile, nutritive value and aerobic stability of sugarcane silages. The variety used to ensiling was RB-72454, harvested with 12 months of regrowth. It was analyzed as a completely randomized model, with six treatments and four replications for each treatment. Besides the control sugarcane silage, were tested two types of microbial additives: Lactobacillus plantarum and the association of L. plantarum and Streptococcus faecium and Pediocccus acidilactici (BAL). Moreover these two microbial additives were associated with two levels of sodium benzoate, 0.01 or 0.05% of fresh matter. The microbial additives were applied trying to reach 5 x 104 UFC/g of forage. The variables analyzed were: total dry matter losses, gases losses, effluent yield, dry matter recovery rate, fermentative profile, aerobic stability and nutritive value when the silos were opened and during the aerobic stability trial. The greatest fermentative and gaseous losses were observed in silages treated with L. plantarum associated with 0.05% of sodium benzoate. However, there is no difference among treatments regarding the fermentative profile. The silages added with L. plantarum associated to 0.05% of sodium benzoate showed highest cell wall content and lowest in vitro dry matter digestibility. Most of the treatments showed similar nutritive value as control silages. Regarding the aerobic stability assay, L. plantarum associated to 0.05% of sodium benzoate had highest accumulated temperature in the first five days (ADITE-5) and the lowest temperature pick. Similarly, these silages remained the pH stable and showed highest dry matter recovery rate in the first five days during aerobic trial. Although, there were no differences in the other variables in aerobic assay. In terms of nutritive value, the treatment of L. plantarum associated 0.05% of sodium benzoate, showed lowest fiber content and highest in vitro dry matter digestibility during the first five days of aerobic stability trial. There were no differences in the water soluble carbohydrates and crude protein content among treatments. In general, considering the whole trial, the treatment with L. platarum associated with 0.05% of sodium benzoate had better performance during the aerobic phase than the fermentative one.


aditivos alimentar para animais sugarcane. cana-de-açúcar additives silage silagem. sodium benzoate association of additives

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