Charles Dickens: um escritor no centro do capitalismo / Charles Dickens: a writer in the center of the capitalism




The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the novel Dombey and Son (1848), by Charles Dickens. It is his seventh novel and represents a watershed in his work: in it, social criticism, the observation of manners and the diagnosis of the age became more incisive. Always bearing in mind the attempt to establish the relationship between literary form and social process, I argue that the narrator in Dombey and Son tries to elaborate aesthetic solutions for real contradictions while dealing with paradoxical midnineteenth- century English society. Despite all the changes since then, and in a broader context now, substantial parts of these contradictions have been emphasized, acquiring a certain degree of accepted normality. In this sense, our challenge is to investigate in the very form of the novel signs of something that goes beyond it: in its present and in its future.


interpretation social process processo social forma literária dickens literary form novel romance dickens interpretação

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