Charges eletrônicas das eleições 2006 : uma análise de discurso crítica




This study is a critical discourse analysis of electronic political cartoons on the first round of the 2006 presidential elections. Thus, five texts, published on the site in August and September were chosen. The theoretical framework for this study is Critical Discourse Analysis, based mainly upon work by Fairclough (1992; 2003) and Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999), who draw upon Critical Social Science as it relates to linguistic-discursive issues, also considered in this research study. Given this studys qualitative nature and its adherence to Critical Discourse Analysis methodological precepts, the cartoons are analysed according to action, representational and identificational meanings. Ideology studied in the corpus is based mainly upon Thompson (1995). With a view to better contextualizing the analysis, a discussion on electronic political cartoons, the media and politics is developed. Further, interviews were conducted with research participants as well as with the political cartoonist. Results indicate the importance of language (and other semioses) in todays world; the relevance of genre, discourse and style studies in grasping social issues; the need for more research studies on multimodal, electronic/digital texts as well as on relations between the media and politics. Moreover, it becomes evident that although these virtual political cartoons use symbolic forms to contest ideology, the former may nevertheless contribute to reinforcing ideology through their treatment of corruption. At the same time, both the discussion on response to these cartoons as well as the interviews conducted highlight that there is no one interpretation from the different social actors with access to these electronic texts.


política electronic political cartoons politics discurso mídia análise do discurso - política ideologia eleições linguistica discourse media ideology elections caricaturas e desenhos humorísticos - eleições análise do discurso - linguagem charge eletrônica

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