Characterization of wood known in the Brazilian Amazon as mata-mata (Lecythidaceae fam. A. Rich.). / CaracterizaÃÃo das madeiras conhecidas na AmazÃnia Brasileira como MatÃ-matà (Lecythidaceae fam. A. Rich).




In spite of the great diversity of species of the Amazon forest, only a limited number of species is commercially exploited for wood production. This fact shows that the use of forest areas is only partial, with technical, economical and environmental disadvantageous consequences. A possible way to reduce this situation is the insertion of new species in the market. In this way, this study aimed to characterize technologically the wood of matÃ-matà (Eschweilera Mart. Ex DC. â Lecythidaceae), which presents large frequency in Brazilian Amazon forest, where do not occur its commercialization. For this reason, eleven individuals were collected and were carried out their scientific identification and anatomical, chemical and physical analyses. It was found the presence of six species (Eschweilera amazonica, Eschweilera coriacea, Eschweilera grandiflora, Eschweilera idatimon, Eschweilera ovata and Eschweilera sp.), which had different physical and chemical properties, despite the anatomical similarity. These species were identified in the forest by their ritidoma and live bark characteristics. The organoleptic property has permitted to group the woods in four groups with distinct color, which permitted the identification of three species by the smell and taste. Macroscopically, all species seemed similar, while microscopically, the species showed few differences which caused the separation of E. coriacea from the others. The species had high levels of lignin, extractives and ash contents (average of 28; 7 and 2.5%, respectively). The wood density and shrinkage values match with some Amazon timbers (angelâs heart, cumaru, ipe, massaranduba, sucupira, among others) commonly used in the structural application, flooring, furniture lumber, among others, demonstrating potential for similar use.


recursos florestais e engenharia florestal eschweilera, matÃ-matÃ, manbarklak, wood, amazon. eschweilera. matÃ-matÃ. madeira. amazÃnia.

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