Characterization of tufted streptococci isolated from the "corn cob" configuration of human dental plaque.


Streptococci isolated from "corn cob" configurations of human dental plaque possess a polar fibrillar tuft extending 100 to 150 nm from one pole of the cell. The two strains studied were physiologically related to the Streptococcus sanguis-Streptococcus mitior group and were most similar to Streptococcus mitis ATCC 903. The corn cob streptococci were serologically related to S. sanguis serotype 1. The polar tuft contained at least two antigenically distinct components, one serologically related to the glycerol phosphate backbone of teichoic acid. The other was an electrophoretically slow-moving antigen similar to a component of S. mitis ATCC 903. It is suggested that the corn cob streptococci in vivo adhere to Bacterionema matruchotii by means of the polar tuft.

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