Characterization of skin-pass mill over-rolling on a IF steel. / Caracterização de um aço IF após relaminação no laminador de encruamento.




The continuous search of the improvement of the competitiveness of the steel front to the succedanea has led to the development of special materials, allowing to take care of three of the main demands of the automotive sector: reduction of weight, fuel economy and increase of the safety of the user. The conditions under which the process of strain hardening of Interstitial Free (IF) steel is carried through can significantly affect the characteristics of this steel, especially of the point of view of its conformability. The present work studies the effect of over-rolling performed on a skin-pass mill on the drawability of a Ti-stabilized IF steel. Conventional and larger-than-usual passes (over-rolling) have been performed in order to simulate the real-life condition in which there is an eventual necessity for larger reductions, due to problems related to surface finish or due to flatness problems. Tests have been carried out with increasing skin-pass reductions (up to about 1%) and the corresponding mechanical properties, microstructures, textures (ODF) and related Forming Limit Curves (FLC) have been assessed. The results have shown that the yield strength increases, the strain-hardening coefficient decreases, with increasing skin-pass over-rolling. On the other hand, texture varied slightly at the surface but showed little effect at mid-thickness. Tensile strength, normal and planar anisotropy, however presents an inverse correlation with the over-rolling reduction. The FLC results did not show any marked effect of over-rolling on the forming properties.


difração por raios x rolling estampagem forming laminação x-ray diffraction textura

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