Characterization of Lypopolyssacharide (LPS) effect on rat pinealocytes / Caracterização dos efeitos de LPS em pinealócitos de rato em cultura




Accumulating evidences put the pineal gland and the immune system reciprocally linked by bidirectional communication. Rat pineal gland constitutively activated NFkB, which plays a role on melatonin synthesis, is a preferential transduction pathway for cytokines and glucocorticoids (Ferreira et al., 2005; Fernandes et al., 2006). TNFα transiently inhibits, while corticosterone potentiates, noradrenaline-induced Aa-nat gene transcription, a key enzyme in melatonin synthesis. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are the major components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which makes them prime targets for recognition by the immune system. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) conveys LPS signaling which induces expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) formation. An attempt has been made to demonstrate the expression of TLR4 in the rat pineal glands as well as the characterization of functional response and the transduction pathway following LPS challenge. Female Wistar rats (1-2 months) were used. Total RNA was extracted from control pineals and used in real time RT-PCR with specific primers against tlr-4 and Cd14 transcritps and the housekeeping gene Gapdh (internal control). For immunohistochemistry, the pineals cryosections (8μm) from perfused animals (Lanas fixative, 4% PAF, 15min) followed by fixation (4% PAF, 30min) were used with an antibody against rat TLR4, being the negative control performed in the absence of primary antibody. Pinealocytes were obtained by trypsinization followed by mechanical dispersion. The amount of NFB present in nuclear extracts of pinealocytes challenged with LPS (1μg/ml, 15min) was assayed by EMSA. NO production was measured by confocal microscopy in cells loaded with the fluorescent dye DAR-4M-AM (5μM, 30min). RT-PCR revealed specific constitutive tlr-4 and Cd14 mRNA levels in rat pineals. Immunohistochemistry (n=4) indicated TLR4-positive and -negative immunostaining in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the cells. All TLR4-positive immunostaining were significantly decreased when experiments were performed in the absence of the primary antibody. An increase in the nuclear translocation of NFKB was observed in LPS challenged cells. LPS (0.1 to 10 μg/mL) also lead to a functional response, as it increased the immunoreactivity of iNOS and a time- and concentration-dependent manner the level of NO in cultured pinealocytes. The maximal NO content induced by LPS 1.0 μg/mL was observed 2h after stimulation. Baseline levels were restored after 4-6h of LPS. The LPS stimulatory effect was fully abolished by the pre-treatments with L-NAME (0.1mM, 30min) and 1400W (1μM). Therefore, our data show that pinealocytes are instrumented for answering to LPS challenge through TLR4-induced NFkB pathway. In addition we observed that this stimulation induces a significant increase in iNOS immunoreactivity and NO production. These data corroborates to the hypothesis that pineal melatonin production is suppressed at the beginning of a defense response.


pinealocytes nitric oxide(no) Óxido nítrico (no) pinealócitos lypopolyssacharide (lps) lipopolissacarideo(lps)

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