Characterization of Brazilian isolates of equine herpesvirus type A / Caracterização genomica de isolados brasileiros do herpesvirus equino do tipo 1




Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1) is a member of Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily implicated with abortions, respiratory and neurological disturbs in horses. The principal mode of viral transmission is through close contact virus-containing secretions of infected horses. Systemic pathogenesis in which this virus is implicated combines primary respiratory infection and spread of viral particles through the circulatory/lymphatic system. Until today, there are only few studies involving the isolation of this virus in Brazil. Thus, the main goal of this study was the isolation of EHV-1 from biological material and the production and analysis of molecular data derived from Brazilian EHV-1 isolates. Clinical samples were screened by inoculation into Equine Dermis (ED) cells monolayers, searching for the characteristic citopathic effect produced by EHV-1. Inoculation of one tissue sample has presented a suggestive citopathic effect. Re-inoculation of the original tissue homogenate in a second, independent experiment reproduced the same positive result. Following these observations, infection agent diagnostic was done by PCR for thymidine kinase (tk) gene. The results demonstrated that sample was EHV-1 positive. In this work, it was done either the sequencing of PCR fragments derived from two Brazilian and two foreign samples of EHV-1 for filogenetic and genomic analyses purposes. It was assigned at least three Open Reading Frames contexts (ORF 38, ORF 37, ORF 36). The data do not show genetic variation between sequences. The high level of genetic conservation for this region, despite the distinct geographic origins (Brazil, Europe and North America) of EHV-1 samples studied, indicates a strong selection process against the fixation of new mutations. It also highlights a high level of fidelity for DNA replication and strongly suggests the importance of the studied region for EHV-1 gene regulation


aborto nos animais herpesvirus 1 equideo - brasil abortion in animals viruses isolation equid herpesvirus 1 virus - isolamento

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