Characterization genetic of Giardia spp. isolated from human and animal faecal samples / Caracterização genética de isolados de Giardia spp. provenientes de amostras fecais de origem humana e animal




The flagellated protozoan Giardia duodenalis is an intestinal parasite that can infect a broad variety of mammalian hosts, including humans and domestic and wild animals. Due the lack of information about the molecular characterization of Giardia spp. in Brazil, this study aimed to analyse 113 stool samples from human and animals, all positive to Giardia spp. A segment of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene (gdh) of isolates from 37 humans, 31 dogs, 20 cats, five calves, 12 wild monkeys, three chinchilas, two ostrichs, two crab-eating-foxes and one jaguar was amplified and sequenced. Nucleotide sequences analysis of gdh gene showed that these isolates could be divided into six main genetic lineage (Assemblages A, B, C, D, E, F). The genotype AII was identified only in human isolates, whereas genotype AI was detected in a variety of animals (cat, calf, jaguar). In adition, Giardia spp. isolates recovered from human, wild monkeys, chinchila and ostrichs were characterized as genotype BIV. However the other Assemblages identified were confined to restrict host species. Assemblages C and D were found in isolates from dogs and crab-eating-foxes, Assemblage F from cats and Assemblage E from calves. The molecular characterisation of Giardia spp. isolates has made a major contribution to our understanding of the host specificity of different genotypes.


glutamato desidrogenase assemblage giardia spp assemblage giardia spp genotypes genótipos glutamate dehydrogenase

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