Characterizantion of anisotropy in the permittivity of cortical bone using the impedance method. / Caracterização da anisotropia na permissividade de osso cortical utilizando o método da impedância.




The knowledge of the dielectric properties of bones has become important to orthopedic therapy, for applications in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, fractures, and osteonecrosis, as well as is the industrial ceramics field (bone china). This work proposes a methodology for the evaluation of the complex permittivity of a dehydrated cortical bone of bovine femur, using an impedance method in a transmission line. The transmission line is composed by an one-port open-ended N-type coaxial conductor, connected to an impedance analyzer. The frequency range studied was 100 Hz - 1 MHz. The methodology proposed is proper for the dielectric characterization of bone and this work emphasizes the evaluation of its anisotropic characteristics. Some dielectric properties experimentally found in this work are compared to the experimental and theoretical results available in literature, which are sparse and punctual in the considered electromagnetic spectrum. It is pointed out that there is no agreement among the experts when the subject is the proper measuring methodology and its precision. The same occurs when the subject is the measuring protocols proposed by the international standards, especially for solid biological materials. The permittivity results obtained in frequencies between 100 Hz and 1 MHz evince an effective anisotropy, which stands out in frequencies of a few tens of kHz. Although the anisotropy phenomenon does not occur in a frequency range higher than the one previously mentioned, some measures were taken in the 50 MHz - 3 GHz range for validation, based on results from literature. A network analyzer and a two-port coaxial device were then used in such measures, which aimed the evaluation of the adequacy of the procedure used in the preparation of the bone tissue in high-frequency measurements.


método de impedância cortical bone anisotropy dielétricos complex permittivity osso e ossos (tratamento) impedance method

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