Characteristics Physiochemical and Microbiology of the Leachate of the Controlled Landfill of Solids Wastes of Aguazinha/Olinda-PE / Monitoramento fÃsico-quÃmico e microbiolÃgico do lixiviado do aterro controlado de resÃduos sÃlidos urbanos de Aguazinha em Olinda PE




This research it approaches the study of the physiochemical characteristics and microbiology of those leachate produced starting from two cells of disposition of solid wastes of the Controlled Landfill of Aguazinha, located in the municipal of Olinda-PE. The study presents an approach about the characteristics of those leachate and contribution as subsidy to the project of measure of systems of future treatments of leachate of the landfill. The same also approaches, some of the main treatments used in leached in Brazil, as well as their use and verified efficiencies. This work was developed with experiments in field and laboratory with the support of the Group of Solid Wastes of the Federal University of Pernambuco (GRS/UFPE). Took place the studies, through the characterization of the leachate coming of the degradation of old wastes (>10 years of disposition) and new wastes (<2 years of disposition) and, evaluation of the parameters analyzed as subsidy to the measure of systems of future treatments of leachate of the landfill. The results obtained in the characteristics were coherent with the phases of biological degradation: transition, acidogenesis and metanogenesis and, the evaluation of the parameters, was shown convenient has seen that, the quantification and qualification of these parameters, they will significantly be able to contribute for the execution of the calculations in the projects of systems of treatments to be implanted. Though, the treatment system of leachate, now in construction in the landfill, it was shown convenient for removal of organic matter and possible removal of nitrogen amoniacal, mainly, if associated to a complemental treatment.


caracterÃsticas de lixiviado tratamento de lixiviado aterro controlado de aguazinha pe characteristics of leachate controlled landfill of aguazinha-pe engenharia civil treatment of leachate engenharia civil

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