Characteristics of an unclassified Mycobacterium species isolated from patients with Crohn's disease.


The characteristics of an unclassified Mycobacterium sp. isolated from three patients with Crohn's disease are presented. The organism is extremely fastidious and mycobactin dependent and may require up to 18 months of incubation for primary isolation. Colony morphology is rough. Characteristics are unlike those of any presently defined species. The isolates produced postive niacin, catalase, and 2-week arylsulfatase reactions and were susceptible to neotetrazolium chloride (1:40,000), streptomycin (2 micrograms/ml), and rifampin (0.25 micrograms/ml). Chromogenicity, nitrate reduction, quantitative catalase, Tween hydrolysis, urease, tellurite reduction, pyrazinamidase, and 3-day arylsulfatase tests were negative, and the isolates were resistant to thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (10 micrograms/ml) and isoniazid (10 micrograms/ml). Optimum growth in broth was determined to be in 7H9 medium with Dubos oleic albumin complex, Tween 80, and mycobactin J at 37 degrees C without CO2 or agitation and in low medium depth. This Mycobacterium sp. may be a subspecies or biovariant of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, or it may represent a new species of Mycobacterium. It is suggested that this Mycobacterium sp. may play an etiological role in some cases of Crohn's disease.

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