Central Amazon Archaeology from Lago do Limão region perspective / Arqueologia na Amazônia Central vista de uma perspectiva da região do lago do Limão




The results obtained from survey, excavation and material analysis of archaeological material found in sites in the lago do Limão region, Amazonas State, Brazil are presented herein. The data gathered after the identification of 15 archaeological sites is compared to work previously done in the region, aiming to determine the occupational process of the pre-colonial Amazonian region. Peculiarities related to the Paredão phase (7th to 12th century AD) are identified herein, such as the construction of artificial mounds and ring village settlements From the data obtained, an interpretative hypothesis is presented for the arrival of the polychrome ceramics associated with the Guarita phase (9th to 15th century AD) in Central Amazon, a fact that we believe to be also related to the upcoming of the Paredão phase.


habitation units fase paredão ring villages paredão phase archaeological survey unidades habitacionais montículos aldeias circulares levantamento arqueológico mounds

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