Cenografia brasileira século XXI: diálogos possíveis entre a prática e o ensino / Scenography, XXI century: possible dialogues between the practice and teaching of scenography in Brazil,




The possible dialogues between the practice and teaching of scenography in Brazil, identified herein, are the result of the investigation and reflection about the development of the contemporary scenographer originating from the perception from my experience in theatre practice. Here the scenographer is treated as an artist, responsible for the visual identity of the theatrical event and collaborator in the process of its creation. Scenography is taken as a language within the theatrical context, taking care to not ignore scenography?s expansion into other areas, understanding that starting from its theatre origins we can carry a good part of this experience to these other related areas. The development of this research is based on the processes experienced and methodologies applied in major Brazilian academic institutions that offer bachelor degree level scenography courses. These proceedings are analysed with the objective of recognizing and appointing productive directions for the training of future scenographic artists. This investigation aims to indicate guidelines that contribute to the development of the artistic and technical qualities of the scenographer, not just the capacity to execute their acquired attributes, but to prepare an active collaborator, a creative artist in the process of contemporary productions, participating in the development of the Scenic Arts.


teatro contemporâneo - cenografia - prática - formação - processo criativo contemporary theatre ? scenography ? practice ? academic formation ? creative process

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