\"Cego é aquele que só vê a bola\". O futebol em São Paulo e a formação das principais equipes paulistanas: S.C. Corinthians Paulista, S. E. Palmeiras e São Paulo F.C. (1894-1942) / \"Blind is the one who only sees the ball\". Football in São Paulo and the formation of the major teams from São Paulo: S. C. Corinthians Paulista, S. E. Palmeiras and São Paulo F. C. (1894-1942)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In recent years, many studies on the practice of football in Brazil have been carried out in different areas of knowledge. Understood as a broad-ranging social phenomenon, football which was once despised by intellectuals and academia has become a privileged source for the study of many interconnected social phenomena. Despite the development of said studies, many documentary sources produced in the world of football throughout the twentieth century still have not been systematically assessed. Hence, because this study is part of context of historiographical renewal referred to as New Cultural History, its objective is to further understand certain aspects of the São Paulo society present in the main football fields, teams and stadiums with respect to the period subject matter hereof (1894 1942). The establishment of a group of practitioners and supporters, together with government intervention, the construction of fields and stadiums, the emergence of three major football clubs in the city, disputes over control of revenues generated by the sport itself and its gradual pathway towards becoming increasingly professional reveal to be excellent documentary sources for better understanding the complexity of the modernization process that took pplace in São Paulo and the consequences thereof for its citizens during the period covered in this study.


cidade de são paulo city of são paulo football futebol identidade identity invenção das tradições e cultura popular invention of traditions and popular culture

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