CEAS: jesuits and social issue during the dictatorship military. / CEAS: jesuítas e a questão social durante a ditadura militar.




This work will analyze the performances of CEAS - Centro de Estudos e Ação Social (Study Center and Social Action) -during the Brazilian military dictatorship period. This institution which was established by the Jesuits in Salvador - Bahia, appeared of the transformations because it passed Society of Jesus during the century XX and them involvement every time larger in the Social Justice. In utilizing the internal sources of this institution and the notebooks of the CEAS, a magazine published since 1969. I will demonstrate how the CEAS became a theoretical reference for Catholic sectors in Brazil as well as a resistance point in the fight against the military.


ditadura militar igreja católica jesuits ceas ceas historia questão social social justice military dictatorship jesuítas catholic church

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