Cation permeability of a cloned rat epithelial amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel.


1. Conductance of heterotrimeric rat epithelial Na+ channels (alpha, beta, gamma-rENaCs) for Li+ and Na+ in planar lipid bilayers was a non-linear function of ion concentration, with a maximum of 30.4 +/- 2.9 pS and 18.5 +/- 1.9 pS at 1 M Li+ and Na+, respectively. 2. The alpha, beta, gamma-rENaC conductance measured in symmetrical mixtures of Na(+)-Li+ (1 M) exhibited an anomalous mole fraction dependence, with a minimum at 4:1 Li+ to Na+ molar ratio. 3. Permeability ratios PK/PNa and PLi/PNa of the channel calculated from the bionic reversal potentials were dependent on ion concentration: PK/PNa was 0.11 +/- 0.01, and PLi/PNa was 1.6 +/- 0.3 at 50 mM; PK/PNa was 0.04 +/- 0.01 and PLi/PNa was 2.5 +/- 0.4 at 3 M, but differed from the ratios of single-channel conductances in symmetrical Li+, Na+ or K+ solutions. The permeability sequence determined by either method was Li+ > Na+ > K+ >> Rb+ Cs+. 4. Predictions of a model featuring two binding sites and three energy barriers (2S3B), and allowing double occupancy, developed on the basis of single ion current-voltage relationships, are in agreement with the observed conductance maximum in single ion experiments, conductance minimum in the mole fraction experiments, non-linearity of the current-voltage curves in bionic experiments, and the concentration dependence of permeability ratios. 5. Computer simulations using the 2S3B model recreate the ion concentration dependencies of single-channel conductance observed for the immunopurified bovine renal amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel, and short-circuit current in frog skin, thus supporting the hypothesis that ENaCs form a core conduction unit of epithelial Na+ channels.

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