Casamento na roça: uma análise no município de Porto Firme, Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais / Marriage in the rural area: an analyses of Porto Firme town, Zona de Mata County, Minas Gerais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this study was to analyze the meaning of marriages of families owning land in the town of Porto Firme, by means of their experiences, observations and stories. Studies regarding ruralities, rural families and marriages were used to fundament this work. Our research was guided by the perspective of qualitative and quantitative methodology based on the use of secondary data, questionnaires, interviews and direct observation. All data was recorded either in a field notebook or by photographic records. The study sample constituted of thirty families and 147 records of civil marriages. The analysis was conducted by the crossing and comparison of the data with their respective qualitative and quantitative interpretation. The study results were presented in four articles, namely: Article 01 - Families and marriages in a changing process: From urban to rural; Article 02 – Social actors in the context of the changing process; Article 03 – Family and the meaning of marriage in the rural area; Article 04 – Marriage in the rural area: an ethnography. The aim of the first article was to show that social changes lead to a family restructuration, both with regards of the internal organization as well as the number of members composing it. These changes resulted in modifications in the marital roles and in the family production and reproduction. In the second article it was evidenced that families continue to play a key role in the daily lives of those living in rural areas. However, rural areas are in a continuous process of change of its traditional form, particularly when it refers to family production and reproduction. In the third article, the meanings attributed to marriage such as marriage-power, marriage-religion and marriage-needs was presented. In the fourth article we presented the ethnography developed from the monitoring of the marriage rituals before, during and after such changes. This research aimed to show a ritual that is valued and present in the collective imagination, where there is an appreciation of values and local rites, as well as a desire for intergenerational reproduction. Even with modifications, the incorporation of new elements in the rite does not undervalue the traditions which give meaning to its practice. Being able to develop a study with families owning land in rural areas allowed us to understand these areas, which are considered a privileged space in a process of change. Such changes reflect the production and reproduction of a particular social group in which marriage, another practice in transformation, is being re-understood.


família rural casamento rural marriage economia domestica family

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