Carotenóides da batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) e sua relação com a cor das raízes / Carotenoids from sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) and its relationship with their color




With the purpose of determining the color and carotenoid parameters,as well as the changes in the provitamin A value of sweet potatoes raw and cooked, ten cultivars from "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas" and "Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Hortaliças da EMBRAPA de Brasilia" were analysed. Seven carotenoids were identified in the sweet potatoes analysis, as follows: 5.6.5,6- β-carotene-diepoxide; 5,6-β- carotene epoxide; β-carotene; luteochrome; µ-zeacarotene; β-azeacarotene and aurochrome. β-carotene was the main carotenoid of the followinq cultivars: Centennial (148.81 ~g/g of sweet potato); Heart Gold (51. 79 µg/g); Anapolis (14.24 µg/g); Acadian (218,15 µg/g) ; Morada Inta (10.61 µg/g); Vineland Bush (22.60 µg/g) clone CNPH (4.87 µg/g). Luteochrome was the main carotenoid of Monalisa (1.55 µg/g of raw sweet potato), IAC-2-71 (0.77 µg/g) and SRT-252 (0.92 µg/g) cultivars. For raw roots-the vitamin A values varied from 1 retinol equivalent/l00q for IAC-2-71 cultivar up to 3,703 retinol equivalents/l00g for Acadian cultivar. For cooked roots Acadian cultivar was the one that presented more provitamin A activity, with 4,021 retinol equivalent/100g. The loss of β-carotene due to cooking varied from 4.51% to 42.6%, in accordance with the kind of cultivar. The color parameters (L Hunter-, a Hunter-, b Hunter-, chroma and hue angle) did not show any change for the three transversal cuts in the root (top, middle and bottom). Regarding cooking, there were significant decreases in the parameters L Hunter(luminosity) and +a Hunter (red) and an increase of -a Hunter (green) and hue angle parameters. The b Hunter parameter (yellow) and chroma decreased due to cooking in the Centennial, SRT-252, Monalisa and Heart Gold cultivars. There were obtained good correlations of total carotenoid neperiane logarithim with the color parameters. The best correlation was with "Lab" (R2= 0,9944) for- r-aw sweet potato and "Lab" (R2= 0,9936) for cooked sweet potato. The equation used to estimate carotenoids value through color parameters was the following: C (µg/g) = e(- 1,2051 + 0,01075a + 0,1013b) for raw sweet potato and C (µg/g = e(3,1094 - 0,0476L + 0,1164a + 0,0667b) for cooked sweet potato.


batata-doce carotenoids pró-vitamina a carotenóides ipomoea batatas lam. color ipomoea batatas lam provitamin a sweet potato cor

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