Carne de Fieras, Barrios Bajos e Aurora de Esperanza - o melodrama anarquista na produção cinematográfica da CNT, durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola (1936-1939) / Carne de fieras, Barrios Bajos and Aurora de esperanza: the anarchist melodrama in film production from CNT during the spanish civil war (1936-1939)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Considering the relation between History and Cinema, this present dissertation will ponder on the anarchist cinematographic production of CNT during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) through the analysis of three of its most important fiction works: Carne de Fieras (1936/1992), Barrios Bajos (1937) and Aurora de Esperanza (1937). They were structured in a classic and melodramatic narrative and, dealing with several themes, as adultery, gangster-linked prostitution and the misfortune of unemployment, they represent a unique initiative in the construction of a social cinema, under the command of a powerful anarchist organization during the revolutionary process. In this sense, well consider the specifics in the development of Spanish anarchism and cinema, for their singular features have given a specific dynamic to those movies.


anarchism anarquismo cinema anarquista cinema espanhol confederação nacional do trabalho (cnt) contemporary history guerra civil espanhola história contemporânea história do cinema history of the cinema melodrama melodrama national confederation of work (cnt) spanish anarchist cinema spanish civil war

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