Caregiver´s perceptions and institutional proposal concerning the childhood health care in day-care center / Percepções de educadoras e proposta institucional acerca dos cuidados infantis de saúde em creche.




To promote children health is to guarantee care quality to provide their integral development. The child day-care center is a place where children live great part of their days, justifying the attempt to understand how this care is offered to them. The aim of the present study, as a general objective, was to characterize the aspects related to the implementation of health care in day-care center and as specific objectives to identify the caregivers‘ perceptions and institutional proposal concerning the child health care. Interviews had been carried out with four teachers and the pedagogical coordinator of a municipal public day-care center, in the city of São Paulo, as well as the analysis of institutional documents. Based on caregivers speeches, the integration of education and care seems to be as a characteristic of the work itself in the day-care center, but many factors made this implementation difficult, such as the deficient personnel formation in relation to care, particularly those in the health area, and the burden of activities. In view of these difficulties, questions concerning the possibility to extensively accomplish this integration arouse. Education still appears as the main focus of the teachers’ work, and care seems to be something inevitable since the child is very dependent. Therefore, care actions remain restricted to the body itself and are only emphasized when they are considered as activities to be taught, aiming the independence of the child. The institutional proposal identified in documents presents gaps concerned to the effective inclusion of the care as an independent and inherent category that is a characteristic of caregivers in day-care centers. In conclusion, it is pointed out the need to continue improving the construction of appropriate proposals to this level of childhood attendance, with support of other knowledge areas that perform childcare.


primary health care child education enfermagem pediátrica cuidados primários de saúde pediatric nursing creches ensino infantil saúde da criança child health day-care centers

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