Caracterização morfológica, físico-química e topográfica de folíolos medianos de cultivares de morangueiro




For the cultivation of strawberries need a good planning of the planting, because the crop is susceptible to diseases and as part of the diet, one should minimize the large amount of pesticides that get to fight them. In search of the culture conditions edafoclimáticas it was necessary to open new frontiers in the tropical regions as Mesorregião da Mata de Pernambuco. This study aimed to analyze the characters of 11 cultivars of strawberry in the tropical conditions of Mesorregião da Mata. The cultivation was carried out in region of high temperatures was evaluated in greenhouse where the plant morphology, physico-chemical and topographical pseudofruit of the median leaves of cultivars. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five replications, each pot a plot. Cultivars Camino Real, Diamond, Sweet Charlie and windows were the only ones that showed production of strawberries. The Ventana cultivar showed high concentration of ascorbic acid. Cultivars Dover, Oso Grande and Tudla made the most important leaf plan. The cultivar Sweet Charlie made more rugged topography.


fragraria x ananassa fragraria x ananassa melhoramento vegetal descriptors descritores mata, zona (pernambuco) melhoramento genético de plantas strawberry morango

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