Caracterização morfofuncional de elementos participantes da via de sinalização da insulina em ilhotas pancreaticas de ratos




Several neural, hormonal and biochemical inputs participate actively in the balance of insulin secretion induced by blood glucose fluctuations. The role of insulin as an autocrine and paracrine participant of the control of its own secretion has been understudied mostly due to the insufficient knowledge about the molecular phenomena that govern insulin signaling in pancreatic islets. In the present experiments we demonstrate that higher insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1) concentrations are encountered in cells of the periphery of rat pancreatic islets, and that partia I blockade of IRS1 protein expression byantisense oligonucleotide treatment leads to improved insulin secretion induced by glucose overload, which is accompanied by lower steady-state glucagon secretion and blunted glucose-induced glucagon fali. These data reinforce the inhibitory role of insulin upon its own secretion in isolated, undisrupted pancreatic islets, and explores a novel approach that may be employed as therapeutic method for improving insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes mellitus


langerhans ilhotas de insulina somatostatina

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