Caracterização e eliminação de multiplas pelo metodo da superficie comum de reflexão (CRS)




Applied to multicoverage data, the Common-Reflection-Surface (CRS) method obtains, besides a c1ear and well-defined stacked section, also a number of traveltime attributes defined at each point of that zero-offset (stacked) section. The CRS traveltime parameters provide useful information for a variety of seismic processing purposes. Here we investigate the role of CRS attributes in the important task of multiple identification and attenuation. We consider the 2D situation in which the CRS method produces three parameters associated to the propagation of the wave front, namely, the angle of emergency of the normal ray and radii of curvature of the so-called N and NIP wavefronts. The abbreviations N and NIP stand for normal and normal-incident-point waves, respectively. We propose and discuss simple algorithms designed to identify the CRS attributes of the multiple reflections and, as a next stage, to attenuate or eliminate the energy of this type of un desirable evento The CRS attributes of the multiple are obtained, according to relations found, from the corresponding attributes of primary events. First experiments show that the these algorithms have the potential of favorably replace well-established multiple suppression methods


metodo sismico de reflexão ondas sismicas geofisica

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