Caracterização e diversidade genética de acessos de maracujás do cerrado com base no perfil de carotenóides / Characterization and genetic diversiy of cerrado passion fruit accessions based on carotenoids profile




The composition of carotenoids in fruits is complex and variable. Therefore, extraction methods and different analytical procedures must be applied to a correct determination of carotenoids. Fruits and vegetables are their main sources in human diet. Carotenoids are responsible by pulp color of passion fruit and many fruits, flowers and leaves. In Cerrado are found more of 40 Passiflora species. However, the potential of some of these species is unknown of scientific point of view. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the saponification influence in carotenoids determination of five accessions of three species of Cerrado passion fruit (one P. cincinnata accession, one P. setacea accession and three P. edulis accessions); qualitative and quantitative carotenoids pulp composition of eight accessions of four species of Cerrado passion fruit (two P. cincinnata accessions, one P. nitida accession, one P. setacea accession and four P. edulis accessions) and genetic diversity among these Cerrado passion fruit based on carotenoids profile in pulp fruit using commercial passion fruit (P. edulis) as reference. Carotenoids were extracted in acetone, half of them were saponified and separated by HPLC and identified according Rodriguez-Amaya (2001). Based on carotenoids peaks area and carotenoids presence and absence data were calculated standardized means euclidian distances matrices among passion fruit and to perform cluster and graphical dispersion analysis. Significant differences were found between the means carotenoids concentrations in saponified and not saponified samples. Pulp fruits of analyzed passion fruit showed neoxanthin, violaxanthin, cis-violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, -cryptoxanthin, prolycopene, poli-cis--carotene, cis--carotene, trans--carotene, trans--carotene, 13-cis--carotene and phytofluene. The characterization of passion fruit revealed qualitative and quantitative differences in carotenoids profile. Were quantified and verified significant genetic distances among passion fruit based on carotenoids peaks area and carotenoids presence and absence. The differences found in analyzed passion fruit both with respect to methodology, qualitative and quantitative analysis of carotenoids and genetic diversity reinforce use, conservation and characterization necessity this valuable source of genetic resources of Cerrado passion fruit.


methods, biochemistry composition germplasm bioactive compounds compostos bioativos passiflora métodos passiflora genetic variability genetic resources functional food composição bioquímica germoplasma agronomia recursos genéticos variabilidade genética alimento funcional

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