Caracterização de Desempenho de uma Aplicação Paralela do Método dos Elementos Finitos em Ambientes Heterogêneos de PCs




There are many complex problems of extremely difficult solutions in engineering area. These complex problems are usually impossible to be resolved for analytic methods and then they demand numeric solutions. The Finite Elements Method (FEM) is an approach for the solution of these problems found in analysis of structures, fluids, electromagnetism, assembling of integrated circuits, biomedical and transfer of heat, that need high performance processing and work with great volumes of data. The parallel computing appears as a viable alternative for obtaining the necessary performance for the solution of problems through the FEM and the use of cluster appears as an alternative for obtaining this performance processing at a low cost, if compared with the other systems of parallel computing. However, in heterogeneous environments, for an efficiently exploration of the parallelism, it is fundamental a balanced distribution of the work load. For this, it is necessary the knowledge of the execution costs and the communication involved in the processing of the parallel application, in the different machines of the environment. This work has as objective to characterize the performance of a parallel code for a problem of structural analysis modeled by the Finite Elements Method and solved by the Conjugated Gradients Method, in a heterogeneous environment. Through the results obtained with the detailed measurements, it was possible to establish an empiric load balancing for the heterogeneous environment, showing the viability of the use of this environment for the execution of the parallel code of the Finite Elements Method.


computação paralela método dos elementos finitos clusters heterogêneos de pcs ciencia da computacao

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