Caracterização da organização social do assentamento Belo Horizonte no nordeste goiano.






ABSTRACT: Since 1997 Embrapa Cerrados has coordinated a Technical Cooperation Project with be Botany and Forest Engineering Departments of the University of Brasília nad the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), entitled "Conservation and Management of the Biodiversity of the Cerrado Biome - CMBBC". The project is financed by the Department for International Development of the Bristish Goverment. The objective of CMBBC is promote the conservation and sustainable management of the natural resources of teh Cerrado Biome, in order to guarantee sustainable development. The project chose as its regional study area, the geographical region of northeastern Goiás called Paranã-Pirineus, area composed of 34 cities and towns (municipalities) located in the micro-regions of Chapada dos Veadeiros, Vão do Paranã and Entorno de Brasília. Seven municipalities were chosen, based on social and environmental characteristics, to compose the Municipal Study Area (AEM), and three case-study areas (AEC's) were chosen within the AEM. The present document describes the activities developed in one of the AEC's, the Belo Horizonte Settlement located in Guarani de Goiás, by the CMBBC project.


assentamento planejamento participativo associação rural reforma agrária sociologia rural associativismo recurso natural cerrado desenvolvimento sustentável rural settlement planning rural organization agrarian reform rural sociology natural resources

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