CaracterizaÃÃo geo-ambiental e estudo da variabilidade espaÃo-temporal de erosÃo no Parque Metripolitano Armando de Holanda Cavalcanti - Cabo de Santo Agostinho - PE/Brasil




The present work had as objective elaborates a base of geo-environmental data for the diagnosis of the physical middle and study of the space-temporary variability of erosion with information of the biotic, no biotic and anthropological factors of the geo-ecosystem of the âArmando de Holanda Cavalcantiâ Metropolitan Park in Santo Agostinho s District. The used approach was based on the analysis of a series of thematic digital maps with aid of the geoprocessing (GIS Technology), starting from categories selected according to the knowledge of the relevant correlations to the problem. The base of data was elaborated with space elements and no space, composed by field data and derived information of analogical sources and of sensor remote (GIS letters, aerial photographs and utilitarian GPS) among others. As the study incorporated an approach analytical-integrality, it looked for to characterize the evolution of the geo-ecosystem in scale space-time, according to the historical series of the years: 1973, 1988, 1997 and 2003 with base in the correlations among geo-environmental factors and pluviometer data with their evolutionary reflexes of the erosive process happened in the Park. Like this, it incorporated a historical perspective (past and future) sustained by current evidences. Santo Agostinho s Cape, denomination assumed by the municipal district in which is located and integral of the Metropolitan Area of Recife, it is the main geographical accident of the south coast of Pernambuco. The area is degraded with occurrence of intense erosion process. Obtained results of the crossing of the map of urban occupation of 1973 with the one of 1997 reveal a significant increase of the urban mesh, elapsed 24 years. This increase provoked a strong pressure on the area of the Park. The largest erosion concentration in the area is evidenced in sections where it happens the degraded arboreous vegetation. Crossing of topography data for a period of 30 years reveals change in the morphology starting from the active erosive processes in the area of studies. In the Map of synthesis of the landscape, the roads, trails and use areas strongly anthropological indicate the influence of this vectors in the transformation of the landscape. The correlation of temporary data shows increase in the areas of all of the erosions provoked by the superficial drainage, in other words, for the erosion of the rain waters or hidric erosion. In the year of 1973 the total was of 167,681.00 m2 or 16.77 hectares, in 1988 of 177,680.00 m2 or 17.77 hectares, and in 1997, last year considered in the study the value was of 205,413.00 m2 or 20.54 hectares. Starting from those information, it was evaluated that between 1973 and 1988 (15 elapsed years) the eroded area increase in, approximately, 1 hectare. While from 1988 to 1997 (9 years just elapsed) the extension of the eroded area was of 2.78 hectares.


geo-processing eroded area Ãrea erodida urban occupation gis technology engenharias ocupaÃÃo urbana tecnologia sig dados temporais geoprocessamento temporal data

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