CaracterizaÃÃo e propriedades funcionais de bolos de chocolate formulados com raÃzes tuberosas de yacon(smallanthus sonchifolius)




The yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) has been the subject of numerous studies due to its functional properties, related to high levels of bioactive compounds, inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Studies have shown that diets with high intake of bioactive are directly related to the prevention of various diseases, so a viable alternative is the addition of yacon foods often consumed by the population. For both this work aimed to develop cakes using flour yacon, to partially replace the wheat flour and described them as the sensory aspect, nutritional composition, index and glycemic load and potential prebiotic. We analyzed samples of cakes, made with flour yacon, called sample P (standard cake without flour yacon), sample A (with 20% of cake flour yacon) and sample B (with 40% of cake flour yacon) . For sensory evaluation was performed at Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA), setting up 9 sensory attributes (color, the crumb structure, aroma, taste sweet, chocolate flavor, residual taste, umectÃncia, tenderness and overall quality). It was also performed physical analysis of cakes, through the color characterization. The nutritional value of the cakes was evaluated through analysis of moisture, protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and total fructan. The glycemic index and glycemic load by enzymatic method and the prebiotic effect was evaluated by fermentation in vitro, through the counting of bacteria homefermentativas and heterofermentativas. The results of the ADQ were analyzed by analysis of variance and tests of medium of Duncan, at 5% level of significance and represented graphically by multivariate analysis of principal component analysis (PCA). In the ACP, the sum of principal components 1 and 2 was 83.3%, ie the variability between samples was explained by these two components. As for the fiber content, the samples had values of 7.49 g/100g (The cake) and 10.75 g/100g (cake B) and carbohydrate content available from 11.22 g/100g and 9.35 g / 100, respectively. The glycemic index of experimental cakes were lower than 55 and glycemic load less than 10. As for fermentation were found counts more than 106 CFU / g of experimental substrates. It was concluded that the addition of flour yacon influenced the sensory profile of chocolate cakes, and sample B (40%), received the highest marks for the attributes: aroma, sweet taste, tenderness, flavor and overall quality of chocolate. Regardless of the content of flour yacon added, the cakes were considered ligth-sugar, low glycemic index and glycemic load, and prebiotic potential for promoting growth of probiotic cultures, during fermentation in vitro.


prebiÃtico nutricao glycemic index chocolate cake Ãndice glicÃmico frutanos yacon bolo de chocolate fructan sensory analysis anÃlise sensorial prebiotic yacon

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