Características físico-químicas, nutricionais e sensoriais de pão de forma com adição de grãos de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum) / Physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of flax seed wheat bread (Linum usitatissimum)




Food industries offer to consumer several types of breads options which vary from whole wheat to enrich with multigrain such with flax seed. Flax seed is considered a functional food that has important content of omega 3 fat acids, soluble fiber and protein, however it intakes is very low in our diet. The aim of the research was to prepare a wheat bread enrich with flax seed at 3% or 6% or 9% concentration and to compare with a wheat bread control with no flax seed added. Analysis of fat acids composition, mineral composition, antinutritionals content (phytic acid, tannin, total phenolic compounds) and in vitro protein digestibility were carried out in the bread samples. Bread quality was evaluated analyzing the weight of the raw dough, the baked bread, and the lost during baking process and its conversion index. Physical properties of breads were evaluated for texture, volume and color. The sensory characteristics were evaluated using acceptability test with 116 panelists and by quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) with 13 trained panelists. A nutritional label was formulated to each one of the bread preparations. The quantified fat acids profile showed that palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids were the most representative fat acids in the 4 bread sample analyzed. The presence of those fat acids possibly contributes to poor stability of product and for the development of undesirable compound. However, the presence of natural antioxidants in flax seed may help to control fat acid oxidation. None of the samples were considered source of dietary fiber because they have less then 3g/100 g of bread. The phytate content present in the samples increased according to the increase of flax seed concentration in the bread. Compared to raw flax seed, the phytate content in the bread samples were lower. The control and the sample with 6% of flax seed had the ranking for specific volume described as Very good and the samples with 3% and 9% of flax seed as Good. Between the bread samples, the best score in the acceptability test was obtained in the sample with 9% of flax seed. The same was observed for QDA which showed that the panel had high attributes for this sample compared to other ones. No undesirable attributes were identified in any other sample analyzed in QDA.


rotulagem de alimentos. bread grãos nutritional label. tannins linhaça pão-propriedades físico-químicas-análise sensorial omega-3 Ácidos graxos omega-3 flax seed consumidor phytates phenolic compounds consumer

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