Caracteristicas do consumo de alimentos complementares e substitutos do leite materno de crianças menores de seis meses de idade




This study aims to describe the nutritional characteristics and the patterns of ingestion of proteins, iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin A for children aged six months or less, in different feeding modes. Cross-sectional data was obtained from cohort study carried out in the east zone of Campinas ? SP. The information, obtained by interviewing mothers or relatives at home, regarded to social-demographic conditions, breastfeeding, baby nutrient consumption and the age for introduction of complementary foods, both using 24-hour dietary assessment methods. The ingestion of food and nutrients were described for children on different feeding habits. The population studied consisted of 116 children living under adequate conditions of housing and sanitation. At the time of the research, 32% of the children were still on exclusive breastfeeding and 16,4% had already weaned. Most of the children were between the Z score ? 1,0 and + 1,0 for weight for age of the reference population (NCHS). The weaned children received complementary foods and liquids more precociously than those on complemented breastfeeding. The use of baby formula was of 17,9% among children under 4 months of age and of 27,9% for those aged 4 to 6 months and the use of thickening agents was high (29,3%) in this same age. The consumption of nutrients is inadequate comparing to the 1998 WHO?s recommendations for children on complemented breastfeeding and especially for those who have already weaned. Children under exclusive breastfeeding, although bellow those recommendations, are not under risk, since it is known that breast milk nutrients are almost totally biologically available, unlike other kinds of food. The conclusions are that the studied children have inadequate feeding habits for their age, with early interruption of exclusive breastfeeding and consequent inadequate consumption of complementary food, both qualitatively and quantitatively


micronutrientes lactentes - desmame suplemento alimentar aleitamento materno

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