Caracteristicas clinicas e demograficas de pacientes internados por tentativa de suicidio no hospital das clinicas da UNICAMP, de outubro de 1995 a setembro de 1996




Demographic and clinical profile of suicide attempters admitted to in patient facilities at a university hospital in Campinas SP, BFazil, ITom October 1995 to September 1996". This study was carried out at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (HC-UNICAMP), Campinas SP, Brazil. 118 aims were to estimate the total of patients admitted to the wards of the hospital after suicide attempt along one year, and to describe the demographic and clinical profile of these patients. A standardized instrmnent (QTS) comprising demographic and clinical data and psychometric scales was used.A notice of the study was spread out the hospital in order to reinforce the referrals of patients to the research psychiatrist. A descriptive approach was adopted for the data analysis. On an exploratory basis, analytical statistics were also used (chi-squared and MannWhitney tests). The conjunction of four sources of patient registration produced a total of 53 cases of suicide attempt. This represents 14% of all the patients seen at the Emergency and Casualty Department after a suicide attempt. Most were male (66%) adolescents and young àdults, The patients means age was 29 years old. Twenty-one per cent were out of work. Five patients died after the suicide attempt. All of them were male with a mean age of 23 years old. Male suicide attempters presented suicidal intent as measured by the Beck Suicidal Intent Scale. They asked less frequently for help after the suicide attempt. The act had been planned and was believed to be letbal, revealing lesser degrees of impulsivity as compared to the observed in the female group. Poisoning was used in 77% of the cases, Shooting was used by 3 oí thetive who died. Forty-one per cent of the patients had a previous attempt of suicide. The mean length ofhospital stay was 9.7 days. Relating to the demographic and clinical profile, suicidal intent and method of the suicide attempt, the group of individuais assessed in this study seems to be on an intermediate position between those who are seen at the Emergency and Casualty Department and are promptlY discharged and those who kill themselves.


saude mental psiquiatria suicidio - estudo de casos

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