Características biopsicossociais, dor orofacial e sua interrelação com controle postural em indivíduos com deficiência visual total / Biopsychosocial characteristics, orofacial pain and its relationship with postural control in blindness




Postural control cover posture and body balance, being the result of a complex interaction, and dependent of innumerable factors, between them, the information of proprioceptive, vestibular and visual systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate biopsychosocial characteristics, orofacial pain and postural control in individuais with visual impairment. The first stage of this study is descriptive-exploratory (n=21); the second, correlacional (n=21) and the third, descriptive (n=6). Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) protocol, a postural software SAPO, and a force plate (1000 Hz of frequency, during 20 seconds) were used as instruments. The processing of the data and the statistical treatment had been carried through with Excel 2007 and SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. The average values are 34,5 years of age (11,62), body rnass 71,26 kg ( 14,02), stature 1,66 m (0,09) and body mass index (BMI) 26,05 kg/m2 (4,92). Spearmans correlation was calculated (p≤0,05) and has gotten correlation between instruction degree and income, but this was absent between regular gymnnastic and BMI. Chronic pain was not important, but depression and somatization were very common. There was only Group III RDC/TMD diagnostic both in congenital and acquired blind, uni or bilaterally. TMD occurrence is correlated with chronic pain, depression and somatization. Postural assessment showed anterior projection of the head, increase in vertebral curvatures, anterior inclination of the trunk and vertical of the body as well as the hips. From the literature standard, the result of the antero-posterior displacement (AMPLAP) allows to affirm that half of the individuals was inside of normality, while others had excessively been above of the waited one. AMPLML values in 100% of the cases were inside of normality; and the osciliation area, in only two subjects were above 100 mm2. Nothing can be said about CoPs area because there are no normative values in literature for the studied population. It can be concluded that all the structures and body segments contribute to the physiological homeostasis, but further studies are needed to know the interferences of the biopsychosocial characteristics and orofacial pain in postural control in visual impairment subjects.


posture cegos musculoskeletal equilibrium blind dor orofacial cegueira impacto psicossocial psychosociai impact equilíbrio musculoesquelético postura humana educacao fisica blindness orofacial pain

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