Características agronômicas e genéticas de Helicônias na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. / Agronomic and genetics traits from Heliconia genotypes in the Pernambuco Forest Zone.




The genotypes of the Heliconia Germoplasm Collection of University Federal Rural of Pernambuco (UFRPE), implanted in December of 2003 in Camaragibe, were valued agronomic traits. In the first stage, information on number of shoots per clump (NPT) and the clump basal area (AOT) of 26 Heliconia spp. genotypes, cultivated at full sun and partial shade, according to the genotype requirements were evaluated. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications. The NPT was evaluated every 29 days starting 59 days after planting (DAP). The AOT was measured every three months. The NPT 373 DAP varied from 113.2 (H. psittacorum cv. Red Opol) to 37.0 (H. psittacorum cv. Red Gold) grown at full sun, and from 71.0 (H. psittacorum cv. Golden Torch) to 18.3 (H. bihai cv. Nappi Yellow) grown at partial shade condition. At full sun, H. psittacorum cv. Red Opol emitted the greatest number of shoots, occupying only half of the plot area (11.387 cm2). Heliconia x nickeriensis, showed intermediary shoot emission (74,0) and occupied 22.541 cm2. The genotype H. latispatha cv. Yellow Gyro presented the lower AOT (725 cm2) after 304 DAP, in full sun area. At the shaded area, The AOT, varied from 750 cm2 (H. bihai cv. Nappi Yellow) to 10.201 cm2 (H. stricta cv. Fire Bird). Despite the fact that these traits were evaluatedonly during the first 373 days after planting, it was observed that only one plant spacing for heliconia can cause management problems. At second stage were evaluated genetics parameters of seven genotypes of H. psittacorum. The variabilites of the traits was observed: days harvest the inflorescence after shoot formation (DEI); days before harvesting the inflorescence after inflorescence emission (DCI); flower mass stem (MH); number of leaves in the stem at the moment of inflorescence emission (NFI); stem length (CH); and inflorescence length (CI). The higher values of heritability and genetic variation coeficient were 90.49%, 88.85% and 85.48% for DEI, CI and CH, respectively. For genetic coefficients the higher values were 25.46%, 20.78% and 17.8% for DEI, MH and CI, respectively. These results indicate a higher possibility of success to achieve better quality of flower stems by the selection of these traits. The genetic correlation between DEI and DCI (0,75**) indicated that the cultivars with a larger interval betweenthe shoot emission and flower emission also had larger interval between the flower emission and its harvest. Because of the high correlation between these traits and the low heritability for DCI, DEI it is better indicated to base the selection, yielding advantages by indirect selection. The traits MH and NFI presented heritability of 75.20% and 67.77%, and genetic coefficients of 20.78% and 10.09%, respectively. Only the genotype cv. Suriname Sassy presented the lowest MFS and LS, desired aspects in heliconias. The genetic and phenotypic correlation of DEI with NFI was of 0.86** and 0.76** respectively, which may indicate the NL as a marker for flowering. The trait CH demonstrated genetic correlation with DEI and DCI (-0.85** e 0.97**, respectively), which indicates less days from harvest in genotypes with higher length of the stem.


melhoramento vegetal heritability parâmetro genético plant breeding occupation area mata, zona da (pe) perfilho cultivation melhoramento de plantas inflorescência heliconia spp. herdabilidade production correlação genetic parameters produtividade helicônia

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