CARACTERÃSTICAS QUÃMICAS, FÃSICO-QUÃMICAS E SENSORIAL DE GENÃTIPOS DE GRÃOS DE CAFÃ ( Coffea arabica L. ) / Chemical, physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of coffee beans (Coffea arabica L) genotypes.




The objective of this study was to verify the chemical, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the grains of 21 cultivars of Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora Pierre. Thus the fruits from coffee fields, located in the Experimental Farm in PatrocÃnio, in Minas Gerais State, Alto ParanaÃba Region, were collected, washed and peeled. Subsequently were dried in trays of wood with screened fund of 1 m2, until they reach the 11 to 12% moisture (b.u). After drying the fruits were sent to the EPAMIG Quality Laboratory, Dr. Alcides de Carvalho which has been enhanced and packaged in plastic and stored in a freezer at a temperature of -18 ÂC until the time of analysis. The evaluated fruits corresponded to the following cultivars and progenies: Acaià Cerrado MG 1474; Bourbon Vermelho DATERRA; Catiguà MG 1; Catiguà MG 2; Catuaà Amarelo IAC 62; Catuaà Vermelho IAC 15; H 419-3-1-4-2; H 419-6-2 -5-2; H 419-6-2-5-3; H 419-6-2-7-3 Vermelho; H 493-1-2-10; H 514-7-10-1 Vermelho; H 514 -- 7-10-6; H 515-4-2-2; H 518-3-6-1; Icatà Amarelo IAC 3282; Mundo Novo 379-19; Mundo Novo IAC 376-4; Rubi MG 1192; Sacramento MG 1 and TopÃzio MG 1190, the 2005/2006 seasons. There was a univariate and multivariate statistical evaluation of data, in order to draw comparisons between cultivars and complete the groupings of them. All the cultivars and progenies in both processing methods, natural and dehusking presented physical-chemical and chemical markers of good quality, between reference values for each evaluated parameter. The sensorial test separated, as potential speciality coffee producers the cultivars and progenies Catiguà MG2, Catuaà Vermelho IAC 15, H 518-3-6-1, Icatu Amarelo IAC 3282, Mundo Novo 379/19 and Rubi MG 1192 according to the attributes clean beverage, sweetness, acidity, body, flavor, after taste, balance and aspect in the natural processing and the cultivars Bourbon Vermelho DATERRA, Catiguà MG1, H 419-6-2-5-2, H 419-6-2-7-3 and H 518-3-6-1, according to the atributes, clean beverage, acidity, flavor, balance and aspect in the dehusking process. The ancestry of the tested cultivars and progenies, becoming or not from the Thimor Hibrid, didnât affected the qualitative performance of them. The dehusking method allowed the better qualification of the studied cultivars and progenies, this superiority becoming evident by the sensory test.


quality genotypes ciÃncias biolÃgicas cafà qualidade genÃtipos. cultivars cultivares coffee

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