CaracterÃsticas morfofisiolÃgicas e polimorfismo de dna de isolados de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. passiflorae do Nordeste do Brasil




Fifteen isolated of f.oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae proceeding from the northeast of Brazil had been analysed about its genetic variability through the technique of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and in terms of morphophisiologyc features. The isolated had been obtained from the URM/UFPE culture collection, Recife-PE. In the first stage of this work, were observed the morphologies features (color and aspects of the colonies) and physiologicals features (growing and rate growing of the isolated micelial) ratesusing two different culture media, BDA and CZA. Microscopically the cultural features had been also observed using BDA media. The results obtained has indicated that had favorable more growth and in the expression of micelial coloration of the isolated in media BDA. The strains has showed a significativily variation about the growth of rate int CZA and BDA media. For the inquiry of the DNA polymorphism from the isolated using the RAPD technique, were tested 57 primers of which four had been selected considering the strongest bands, more defined and in bigger number. These , after analysed had generated a total of 448 bands, allowing the construction of a similarity array. Were observed elevated genetic polymorphism therefore at least one band was not present in all the samples not having presence of monomorfics bands. The average of the similarity coefficient gotten for all the samples was of 0,62 (62%). The dendrogram generated from the data of the array disclosed the high genetic variability also between those isolated from the same formae specialis. Apparently there isn t correlating between the micelial growth rate and grouping of isolated in dendrogram


variabilidade genÃtica genÃtica molecular caracterÃsticas morfofisiolÃgicas micologia anÃlise de polimorfismo fungo fitopatolÃgico

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