Capital humano e capital urbano: o impacto das escolas nos preços dos imóveis no município de São Paulo / The impacts of schools into housing prices in the municipality of São Paulo




The aim of this dissertation is to measure how the housing market in the city of São Paulo capitalizes the proximity and the quality of public and private primary schools. São Paulo combines a public system with registration based on the residences proximity to school with a well developed private system, which provides approximately 800 schools as an alternative primary education for children. Using an extensive database of new residential developments during the period of January 2002 to March 2008, the results show evidences that the housing market in São Paulo does not capitalize the proximity neither the quality of primary public and private schools. The results were obtained through the estimation of hedonic models whose specification was defined based on the models of urban economics and the principles of spatial economics


economia urbana educação habitação hedonic price models housing market mercado imobiliário-são paulo (sp) preços hedônicos schools urban economics

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