Capão Pecado and the construction of the marginal subject / Capão Pecado e a construção do sujeito marginal




In the last few years, Brazil has witnessed the appearance of one type of literary production whose characteristics are typical or our times: its authors are from the suburbs (the slums), its form and content derive from the extreme violence imposed to a great part of the population. An example of this literary production, Ferrézs book, Capão Pecado is first published in 2000. This dissertation aims at analyzing the novel, understanding that it belongs to a greater scope, that comprehends other spheres of the arts and politics. In order to do so, the post-colonial theory will be used, as well as a great deal of the Brazilian literary theory tradition.


nacionalismo subalterno literatura marginal subaltern post-colonial theory marginal literature nationalism teoria pós-colonial ferréz ferréz

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