Capacity aerobic of professional futebolistas of altitude during the competitlve periodo of the arequipa-perú city / Capacidade aerobia de futebolistas profissionais de altitude durante o periodo competitivo da cidade de Arequipa-Peru




Objective of the present study was to describe and to analyze the aerobic capacity of professional futebolistas of altitude during periodo competitive, where election of the sample was of No-probabilist type 27 players, for such effect, the 0 variable of corporal mass, stature, four folds had been mensuradas cutaneous (tricipital, to subescapular, it supplies-Ilíaca, and panturrilha), and for progresiva aerobia capacity was used the physical test of (gone race of e comes back of 20m) ofNavetta, toward the Recovery test yo-yo test of Bangsbo (lI leveI) y for the capacity of recuperacao yoyo test of Bangsbo (II LeveI). On the other hand, it was used descriptive statistics of measured and shunting line standard to characterize to the group, and to analyze you differentiate them significant between the game position used ANOVA (one way). Finally, the results, they show that how much to the aerobic capacity of the VO IND. 2max the projections they present greater VO IND. 2max when compardos with other positions of game and the goleiros present minor quantidad of VO IND. 2max , thus they tambem, in the interrnitencia capacity the laterias and projections show covered greater in relation to the other positions of game and the goleiros they are the ones that apresentam menor covered and therefore, valontes and laterals have capacity better of interrnitencia, and the goleiros lesser capacity. Finally, in relation recovery capacity, the results show that the goleiros present lesser capacity of recovery, in relation to the laterais, zagueiros, projections e aggressors, and therefore, the lateraIs and projections present covered greater and have better recovery capacity and the goleiros lesser recovery capacity.


avaliação intermittent capacity progressive aerobic capacity capcity of recovery altitude - influencia competição (esporte) futebol

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