Capacitação tecnológica e sistemas de inovação : uma abordagem neoschumpeteriana-evolucionária da inserção da indústria gaúcha no atual paradigma tecnoeconômico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims to situate the economy of Rio Grande do Sul state in the current techno-economical paradigm, a neo-Schumpeterian/evolutionary approach. The assumption made is in front of limited technological efforts in the creation of dynamics competitive advantages in Brazil, with C, I &T policies not articulated, the states must have greater efforts regarding the technological abilities of their companies, but the companies of Rio Grande do Sul have not given sufficient innovative efforts to compensate this weak national dynamics as well as its incipient state innovation policy. In this sense, this research assumes great relevance in a vision anchored in an innovation system and T&I state policies active, able to strengthen the innovative process. Using the Brazilian economy and its recent performance on the paradigm of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a backdrop ¿ with greater importance to the learning process of knowledge production, cooperation and innovation ¿ the Rio Grande do Sul state, despite of being a state that standouts on the national scene, is not achieving a satisfactory performance in the production of high technology products linked to the current techno-economical paradigm. The PINTEC data for Rio Grande do Sul demonstrate inadequate innovative efforts, with little importance and reduced spending on internal R &D, using a few learning mechanisms and insufficient cooperation relations. Moreover, these data corroborates substantially with the thesis, the reduced spending of state government in S &T, because while other states in the Southern Region has shown an increase in spending on S &T over the year 2000, the RS is going in the opposite direction, abdicating efforts that could contribute significantly to the increased participation of industry of the state in high-tech sectors, indicating a poor inclusion in the current economical paradigm of ICT. It concludes that this combination of factors indicates the maintenance of a structure of current production, not supported in a systemic view of the innovative process and in building a statewide system of innovation with a policy, I &T Insufficient RS, before the requirements imposed by the current paradigm of ICT.


teoria econômica technological capability innovation indústria tecnologia innovation systems techo-economical paradigm inovação industrial desenvolvimento econômico rio grande do sul

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