Capacidade neutralizante de antiveneno comercial sobre as atividades neurotoxica e miotoxica de venenos botropicos




The aim of this study was to evaluate the interspecific differences in the neurotoxic and myotoxic activities of Bothrops jararaca, Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops moojení, Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops neuwíedí venoms as well as their neutralization by anti-bothropic antivenom for both activities. Crotalus duríssus terríficus venom was used as a positive control. The chick bíventer cervícís preparation was used throughout this study. There was no direct relationship between the ín vítro neurotoxicity and the `LD IND. 50´ of the venoms. The venom of B. neuwiedi was the only bothropic venom that showed neurotoxic activity, although this effect was seen on/y at low doses (5, 10 and 20 `mu´g/ml); when a dose of 200 `mu´g/ml was used this venom behaved like the other bothropic venoms. The neuromuscular blocking and myotoxic actions of this venom may involve a neurotoxic `PLA IND. 2´since the temperature at which the experiment was performed influenced the neurotoxic effect observed. Commercial anti-bothropic antivenom neutralized the Bothrops venoms to different degrees, and was unable to neutralize the neuromuscular effects of B. neuwíedí venom. In contrast, anti crota/ic antivenom showed some degree of protection against the acting to this venom. All of the venoms stimulated the release of CK, with those of B. jararacussu and B. neuwiedí being the most potent. Commercial anti-bothropic antivenom prevented the release of CK by the venoms, although its efficacy against B. jararacussu venom was low. All of the venoms produced myonecrosis, including fragmentation of the fibers, delta lesions, hypercontraction of the myofibrils and edema. The venoms of B. jararacussu and B. neuwiedi were the most potent in destroying fibers. Commercial anti-bothropic antivenom was efficient in neutralizing this activity, except in the case of B. jararacussu venom


junção neuromuscular veneno antivenenos

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