"Cantai ao Senhor um cântico novo": influência da teologia da libertação no canto protestante brasileiro




The focus of this thesis is the influence of the Liberation Theology in protestant music made in Brazil during the decades of 1960, 1970 e 1980 and the possible reasons which this religion context had and still has difficulties in developing a song that treats themes related with social issues, like those which were purposed by the Liberation Theology. In relation to this kind of musical work produced in Brazil, authors like João Dias de Araújo, Jaci Maraschin and others are mentioned. This thesis also intends to stimulate a reflection on two theological legacies. The first one arrived in Brazil with the missionaries who came from United States in the beginning of the nineteenth century, and the second is the one left by the first hymn book edited in Brazil called Psalms and Hymns.


música protestantism teologia da libertação liberation theology music teologia protestantismo

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