Can China's Green Socialism transform global capitalism?


Civitas, Rev. Ciênc. Soc.




Resumo: Na última década, a China deu um salto espetacular para se tornar o principal usuário e fabricante de energia eólica e solar. Mas seu compromisso com o combustível fóssil ainda supera a energia renovável. O artigo traçará o crescimento da energia limpa e da indústria de carvão e petróleo, no mercado interno da China, bem como em seus investimentos globais. Ele examinará as empresas privadas e estatais, mostrará os elos transnacionais embutidos no capitalismo global e considerará a liderança da China na transformação da infraestrutura energética mundial.Abstract: Over the past decade, China has made a spectacular leap to become the leading user and manufacturer of wind and solar power. However their commitment to fossil fuel still outweighs renewable energy. The article will trace the growth of clean energy and the coal and oil industry, in China's internal market as well as their global investments. It will examine both private and state-owned enterprises, show the transnational links embedded in global capitalism, and consider China's leadership in the transformation of the world's energy infrastructure.

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