Caminhos que se cruzam: relações históricas entre Brasil e Espanha (1936-1960) / Paths that intersect: historical relations between Brazil and Spain (1936-1960)




This study analyses the diplomatic relationships between Brazil and Spain from the point of view of the Brazilian foreign policy between 1930 and 1960, using as references for the analysis: the political-ideological tensions generated by the Spanish Civil War and by the Brazilian alignment with the Allies during to Second World War; the anticommunism as an approaching factor between the two countries; the intensification of the cultural and commercial exchanges verified in 1950s; the emigration current of Spaniards to Brazil as a central element of the Spanish-Brazilian relationship. Using, as the main source for this study, the documents of Foreign Relations State Department of Brazil, under the guard of the Itamaraty Historical File/RJ and of the Coordination of Diplomatic Documentation in Brasilia, we tried to evaluate the position of the configuration of the historical relationships built with that country. Taking into account the moments of rupture and permanence, we demonstrated that the commitments in the international scenery ruled the attitudes of the Brazilian government concerning Spain, especially between 1936-1939 and in the 1940s.


spanish emigration itamaraty diplomatic relations itamaraty ministério das relações exteriores spanish civil war franquismo foreign relations state department of brazil relações diplomáticas imigração espanhola guerra civil espanhola

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