Caminhar, aprender, criar: o quadro de apoio das escolas / Walking, learning, creating: the schools support staff.




Considering that apart from the teachers and the board team, the support staff works in schools and that there is few academic research about who they are, how they influence the intersubjective relations which occur in schools among employers, students, teachers and board team, delineates this research target which is to try to understand who those actors are, how they think, feel and act every day in schools, also understand their stories, experiences, practices and ways during their lives or, in other words, what was nominated archetypical journeys, which favor the search for a bigger knowledge about themselves, their advances, limits and possibilities. In oder to do that a methodological phenomenological-understanding approach was adopted, intending to investigate the questions which mobilized the support staff and influenced their way of being, thinking, acting and feeling, observing how they participate in the Educators Education Inter-Schools Project for five years. The theoretical support of this research was the indispensable contributions from Gilbert Durand, Cornelius Castoriadis, Edgar Morin, Michel Mafesolli, Joseph Campbell, Paula Carvalho and Carol Pearson, among others. This work has three chapters: the first one is dedicated to the introduction, theoretical references and methodology; the second, to the Educators Education Inter-Schools Project development, in which the support staff participated; and the third, where the reports and stories from some those professionals and their own journeys are told. In the end, there are some considerations about who those actors are and their journeys toward themselves.


archetypes interior journey arquétipos quadro de apoio educational dimension inter-schools project jornada interior support staff dimensão educativa projeto inter-escolas

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