Camilo Castelo Branco: the moral in the service of the conveniences / Camilo Castelo Branco: a moral a serviço das conveniências




Camilo Castelo Brancos image is, in general, bound to sentimental and moral relating novels. It is believed, at times, that these narratives, supposedly exclusively about the love theme, do no deal with historical, political or philosophical discussions. However, if the manner that the novelist dialogues with the many philosophical and literary theories formulated in the 18th and 19th centuries is taken into consideration, as well as the political events from the same period, it is perceived that he was aware of the social and cultural environment in which he was part of. In fact, in the vast legacy of the author of Sao Miguel de Ceide we find a portrait of the 19th century society, which is analyzed especially on the moral aspect. From the main bourgeois institution, that is, the family, Camilo writes about the moral, showing that mothers, fathers and children - which according to the ideology from the French Revolution theorists everyone should perform different roles at home in order to contribute to the social moralization - are pro or con the pre-established concepts according to their needs. The same adaptation is seen when it is about the members of church. Priests and nuns from Camilos novels, indeed, do not usually respect Christianity rules, not even the moral diffused by the bourgeoisie; when they do, in rare occasions, it is only in order to obtain personal benefits. This way, Camilo Castelo Branco denounces that the society that represents the moral works only for personal interests.


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