CÃlulas de Langerhans no colo uterino de mulheres HIV â soropositivas com neoplasia intraepitelial cervical




Objective: To compare the density of cervical mucosa Langerhans Cells (LC) in HIVpositive women with HSIL or LSIL. Method: Fifty-five HIV-infected women with colposcopic and histocitologic alterations were assessed for SIL and LC density between March 2005 and March 2006. LC were identified using the S-100 immunohistochemical stain. Polymerase chain reaction assays was used to detect cervical human papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA. Plasma HIV RNA levels were measured using a nucleic acid sequence-based amplification technique. The associations between cervical LC density, cervical histology, CD4+ counts, HIV viral loads, HPV-DNA detection and smoking status were assessed using Kruskall-Wallis comparison means test and the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The Langerhans cell density in HIV-infected women (n=51) was 1,90 cell/mm2. Four samples could not be stained due to technical difficulties. The LC per high powered fields was 1,94 cell/mm2 in LSIL (n=24) and 2,23 in HSIL (n=11), but this difference was not statistically significant (p=0,65). In 20 cases the biopsy resulted negative/metaplasic. Neither HPV-DNA type (p= 0,68), smoking status (p= 0,58), nor HIV viral load (p= 0,77) was significantly associated with LC density, but there were an increased number of theses cells when the T CD4+ count was lower then 200 cell/mm2 (p=0,08).Conclusion: There is a higher number of LC in women HIV-infected with HSIL when compared to LSIL but there is no statistically significance differences between the means of these cells. The increase of these cells with the aggravation of NIC suggests that the immunological response is maintained in HIV soro-positive women facing severe atypical cells


neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (nic) mulheres hiv-soropositivas hiv-positive women medicina cÃlulas de langerhans (cl) langerhans cells (lc)

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