Calagem e adubação do maracujazeiro-doce.






ABSTRACT: The sweet passion fruits is a native species of Brazil. It is very well adapted to tropical regions, and can be found growing in wild conditions or cultivated by small farmers in many regions. It is consumed mainly as a fresh fruit, splitting with a knife in two parts and using a spoon to collect the pulp with the seeds. The concentrated juice, easily extracted from the pulp, can be used to make juice, ice-cream and deserts. Many small farmers grow sweet passion fruit as an ornamental plant, particularly because of the beauty flowers and colored fruits. In additon it is considered as a medicinal species to treat stress, anxiety and sleeplessness. The ofter of fresh sweet passion fruit in most fruit and grocery stores is still very limited, and prices are very high. The main purpose of this paper is to collect the most important research results regarding practices used to correct the soil acidity and to supply nutrients to improve the production systems of sweet passion fruit.


correção do solo fertilidade do solo adubação fertilizante fosfatado fertilizante potássico maracujá passiflora edulis soil amendments soil fertility fertilizer application phosphate fertilizers potash fertilizers passion fruits

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